Saturday, August 20, 2005

friday wrote mrs kipling

there are downsides to being on holiday and not having a clue what is going on in the world - not that weather reports are generally that accurate but if I had known it was going to pee down with rain I may not have chosen flip flops and a long floaty skirt on my shopping yesterday.

still, at least we got to use our ponchos ! (we're not proud).

did my shopping penance today - tottenham court road ! mutually agreed that being as it was raining and we couldn't be bothered to go far the best place was hamleys ! yay.

currently drying out in last hotel. Lion King soon so more later.

...Time passes....(much) rain falls..

Fantastic! - Lion King is a high energy, cleverly adapted show with amazing costumes, including a giant elephant with 4 people inside. A must see, brought tears to our eyes.
what a way to finish.

its been fun - hope you've enjoyed it too.

we'll leave this up for a bit and then no doubt will find some other exploits to enthrall....... probably uganda next year if martyns idea for a portable solar charger works year ahead then !


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